Today at Rotary, we had the privilege of hearing from Dan Slawski, the founder and president of Guardian Hills Veterans Retreat Center. This facility offers a secure environment for former military personnel suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to recover and move forward in their journey towards personal development.
Truman Lyceum SeriesThis week we were fortunate to have Dawn Howd of Truman State University speak about the Truman Kohlenberg Lyceum Series!
City Of Kirksville Presents At Club Meeting |
Rotary Club of Kirksville Earns Club Excellence AwardThe Club Excellence award, formerly the Rotary Citation award recognizes the hard work clubs do throughout the year. As a welcoming and engaging club, we not only foster a positive experience for our members, but also reflect the values of Rotary. By achieving this award we were able to contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come. We are honored to receive this award under last year's leadership from Melissa Stuart. Goals that we had to meet include but are not limited to increasing club membership, engaging members in sustainable service projects, giving to The Rotary Foundation, building awareness of Rotary in your community, and having an up-to-date strategic plan. |
Welcome New Member - Nate |
Welcome New Member - JackieAt the July 24 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting, Jacqueline Collett was inducted by Club President Ruth Bowers. She is a retired Professor of Music-Voice at Truman State University. Pictured from left are Bowers, Collett and Randy Smith, Collett’s Rotary sponsor.
Paul Harris FellowshipAt the July 17 meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirksville at Rotary Park, Marie Murphree (center) received a Paul Harris Fellowship pin from outgoing Foundation Chair Jeff Romine (right) for her significant financial contributions to the Rotary International Foundation. Murphree is a two-time recipient. Rotary uses the money to improve living conditions and health around the world and for various grants, exchanges and scholarships designed to promote peace and better world understanding between cultures. Also pictured is Club President Ruth Bowers (left).
Joint InstallationAt the June 26 evening event at Rotary Park, incoming District 6040 Governor Erik McGuire (right) installed 2024/25 presidents of three Rotary clubs as well as other officers/directors. Pictured from left are President Courtney Bonnell, Rotary Club of Kirksville-Thousand Hills; Unionville Rotary Club President Tom Keedy; and Rotary Club of Kirksville President Ruth Bowers.
Paul Harris FellowshipAt the June 19 meeting of the Rotary Club of Kirksville, Valena Fiscus (center) and Elizabeth Gregory (right) received Paul Harris Fellowship pins and certificates from Foundation Chair Jeff Romine (left) for their significant financial contributions to the Rotary International Foundation. Rotary uses the money to improve living conditions and health around the world and for various grants, exchanges and scholarships designed to promote peace and better world understanding between cultures.
Rotary Donates To CAPNEMOAt the May 29 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting, Club President Melissa Stuart presented a $300 check to Andrea Thurman of Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri (CAPNEMO). The donation is in support of CAPNEMO’s First Day/Fresh Start program to provide an outfit for needy students from kindergarten to high school on their first day of a new school year.
Ray Klinginsmith Scholarship RecipientsAt the May 15 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting the Ray Klinginsmith $750 high school scholarships were awarded to both Lacy Fisher and Lillian Hudson.
Rotarians Clean Up KirksvilleThanks to a $300 donation from the Rotary Club of Kirkville, Rotary Park has a new dog waste station to keep our parks and waterways clean!
Northeast Missouri Area Agency On AgingThe speaker at the May 1 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting was Executive Director Debbie Blessing of Northeast Missouri Area Agency on Aging. This private non-profit agency provides services and information to persons age 60 and older in 16 counties in Northeast Missouri. Blessing described the extensive services it provides. In addition to operating nutrition centers, it also provides other supportive services including home, legal, ombudsman, and transportation. Our Rotary club looks forward to partnering with the NMAAA to support our community better!
Earth Day Clean UpJust in time for Earth Day! Rotarians Janet Gremaud, Valena Fiscus, Mason Garbs, Melissa Stuart, and Marty Jayne cleaned up trash along Big Creek at the Rotary Playscape/FLATS trailhead on April 20.
Shoes For Orphan SoulsRotarians and ATSU Rotaracters braved the wet weather to deliver donations to the Shoes for Orphan Souls Caravan this morning at the Ray Klinginsmith Amphitheater in Rotary Park. The Rotary Club of Kirksville donated $1320. ATSU Rotaract added another $100 to the total. |
German Exchange Student VisitWe were happy to have Lynn and her host families at our club meeting and have Lynn share about her time in America! |
Flag Work DayRotarians came together on a Saturday work day to make sure our flags are ready for our community!
April Service ProjectWe enjoyed a work day today putting together birthday bags for the Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri! Bags included a birthday card, a birthday crown, a birthday snap bracelet, a birthday sticker and balloons! |
2024 Ray Klinginsmith Distinguished Service AwardCongratulations to Courtney Bonnell of the Thousand Hills Rotary Club, and Bill Lovegreen of the Rotary Club of Kirksville for winning the 2024 Ray Klinginsmith Distinguished Service Award. Additional congrats to nominees John Dungan & Erick Hanson! Special thanks to Ron Gaber for chairing the award ceremony committee. |
March Service ProjectRotarians were hard at work during this weeks club meeting! We made over 100 unhoused kits for Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri. Each kit included: Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss Antiperspirants Body wipes Socks Chapstick Tissues A hand written note! Special thank you to Kirksville Dental Group and Van Soest Dentistry for donating the dental items!! |
4-Way Test Speech Contest
Ray Klinginsmith Graduating High School Student Scholarship
Missouri RYLA Summer 2024Missouri RYLA Summer 2024 Warrensburg, Missouri University of Central Missouri Session 1: June 23-26, 2024 Session 2: July 7-10, 2024 Registration Deadline: April 30, 2024 MO RYLA (Missouri Rotary Youth Leadership Academy) is a four-day/three-night service leadership academy that introduces Rotary’s “Service Above Self” philosophy. The curriculum, developed and administered by professional educators, includes a personality self-assessment, team building activities, and a two-day service project simulation. Our program is recognized by Rotary International as one of the model RYLA programs in the world. MO RYLA has been going strong for over thirty years! In the last three decades, over two thousand students statewide having participated. Missouri Rotary Districts 6040, 6060, and 6080 partner to administer this premier academy. The staff is comprised of professional high school guidance counselors, educators and outstanding Rotarians from around the state. The Rotary Club of Kirksville and the Rotary Club of Kirksville-Thousand Hills are working together to select 4 incoming high school sophomores, juniors, or seniors from Adair County, for whom we will pay the $500 MO RYLA registration fee. Sessions are capped at 100 participants. For more information, see the link at An application form can be accessed here. |
January Community Service ProjectAt the January 10 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting, fellow member Ramey Weichelt (right) led the club in producing braided dog toys as a community service project for the Adair County Humane Society (ACHS). Weichelt is pictured with fellow Rotarian Salvation Army Lt. Chris Clarke who provided the tee shirts used in the project. Weichelt gave a short history of the ACHS, the recipient of the dozens of dog toys made today.
New Rotarian!We're so happy to welcome new Rotarian Chris Clark Rutledge! We cannot wait to see all of what Chris will accomplish in our club! |
Bell Ringing For Salvation ArmyThank you so much to the Rotarians that braved the cold to ring bells December 2nd for the Kirksville Salvation Army! We love to see club members (and future members) being involved in our community! We are especially proud of our partnership with the Thousand Hills Rotary Club and ATSU Rotaracters! |
2023 Joint Service LuncheonThe 2023 Joint Service Clubs Luncheon was hosted by The Rotary Club of Kirksville-Thousand Hills on November 21 in the Georgian Room of the TSU Student Union. The featured speaker was Carl Chinnery, member of the Lee’s Summit Rotary Club.
Carl joined Rotary International in 1977 and has served in several Rotary leadership roles, including District Governor of District 6040 from 2002 to 2003. Carl has committed most of his adult life to the elimination of polio. During his message to the Joint Service Clubs, he shared a letter written by his mother describing the impact that polio had on his family. Carl was instrumental in the immunization of 160 million children during India’s National Immunization Day. He received the District 6040 Humanitarian Award for Polio Eradication, the 2010 Regional Service Award for a Polio Free World and the International Service Award for a Polio Free World. Despite the serious nature of Carl’s message, his sense of humor shined as he proudly accepted the crown bestowed by the Thousand Hills Club in appreciation of his service. |
Kirksville Rotary Club 2022-2023 AwardsPresident Melissa Stuart and Past President Marie Murphree were able to display our clubs 2022-2023 awards that include Rotary Citation, 3 End Polio Now Awards & Star Club membership!
Club Member & Past Rotary International President Wins AwardThe Mizzou Alumni Association presented a prestigious Faculty and Alumni Award for distinguished service to Ray Klinginsmith, a member of the Kirksville Rotary Club and Past Rotary International President. Our club is incredibly proud to call Ray a member and a friend. |
District Governor Randy Steinman Visits KirksvilleThank you so much everyone that came out to visit 6040 District Governor Randy Steinman last week! We were able to hear about some of the projects most important to him, including microcredit loans, the PolioPlus Society, and fostering cooperation among district Rotary Clubs. |
Rotary Donates To NEMO United WayOur club was happy to hear from Amanda Selby, United Way Campaign Drive Chair! Thanks to our clubs fundraising efforts, we were able to present a $1,000 check towards the United Way's 2024 campaign!
2023 Truman Homecoming ParadeThank you so much everyone who came out for the Homecoming parade on Saturday! We had a great turnout and enjoyed treats together at the end.
Spruce Up Rotary Park EventThank you so much everyone that came out this Saturday for our Spruce Up Rotary Park event!! It was a misty morning but we were still able to plant some new trees. Rotarians and ATSU Rotaracters made a great team. . Additional thank you to Rotary Park Chairs Danny Pagliai and Mark Burger for putting together such a great event! |
Visit from youth exchange student!We were happy to have youth exchange student Lynn Buchen was a visitor at the September 27 Rotary Club of Kirksville meeting. Lynn has visited us all the way from Kiel, Germany!
Rotarians Give BackWe love when Rotarians come together to make a difference in our community! This morning members helped get buddy packs out to local schools. Pictured from left to right is: David Nichols, Randy Smith, Larry Whitney, Tom & Cathy Stinson, Jennifer Chrisman, and Uyilawa Okuaihesuyi. |
Service Above SelfOn Sept. 20th fellow Rotarians got together to participate in a street clean up along Baltimore. Thanks so much Melissa Stuart, Craig Shorten, Debi Boughton, Ron Brand, Osariemen Okuaihesuyi, Uyilawa Okuaihesuyi, (not pictured) Scott Beard, and Anne Beard for volunteering! |
Rotarians Giving BackOn Sept. 21st we were all smiles partnering with the Mizzou Alumni Association and Thousand Hills Rotary Club to volunteer at the American Red Cross Blood Drive! Pictured is Treasurer Jonna Lovenduski, President Melissa Stuart, and Director of Community & Joint Service Ramey Weichelt. Not pictured is Director of Club Service Tasha McKim
Ernie Hughes - Fulbright Scholarship to UgandaFellow member Ernie Hughes said he was pleased to be a part of a Fulbright Scholarship Specialist Program on business administration (designed to be 2-6 weeks long) in Uganda this summer. Two Uganda universities were involved in the program: Makerere University, established in 1922, which became an independent national university in 1970 (35,000 students) and Makerere University Business School, founded in 1997 (20,000 students). The Coca-Cola Foundation and Spencer Foundation were also involved. Ernie said this is the first Fulbright trip by Truman in 25 years! This is Ernie’s sixth trip to Africa. He said China’s influence is everywhere in Uganda, which is basically a third world nation. While there Ernie visited the Rotary Club of Kampala Kibuli, a club with 22 members. The District Governor was also there. Music was a large part of the meeting. Ernie is pictured with President Melissa.
New Member Welcome - Tom and Cathy StinsonWe're so happy to welcome new Rotarians Cathy and Tom Stinson! The Stinsons jumped in feet-first by helping out at the Pancake Breakfast during the Red, White, and Blue Festival a couple of weeks ago. Tom is a solutions architect with Cyderes, a cybersecurity services provider. The Stinsons were sponsored by Jeff Romine. We're glad to have you in our club! |
Pancake Breakfast - Red, White & Blue FestivalThe Rotary Club of Kirksville and Rotary Club of Kirksville-Thousand Hills helped with the pancake breakfast on July 1, 2023 as part of the Red, White & Blue Festival. Hundreds of hungry Kirksville residents and visitors were served hot cakes, sausages, coffee and juice at Lupita's restaurant on the downtown Kirksville square. Many thanks to Rotarian Erick Hanson for providing the griddles, and to Hy-Vee for preparing the beverages and sausages. Lupita's, you were a gracious host on a fun but rainy morning! |
Shoes for Orphan SoulsThe Rotary Club of Kirksville presented a check for $2436 on April 26, 2023 to Larry Lunsford, Rotary District 6040 cheerleader for the Shoes for Orphan Souls campaign. Pictured from left are Rotarians Dale Schenewerk, Larry Lunsford, Shoes Committee Chairman Rashmi Prasad, and Jeff Romine. |
New Member Welcome - Jennifer ChrismanJennifer Chrisman (center) was inducted as a new Rotarian by President Marie Murphree (left) at her last meeting as president. Jennifer, marketing and sales manager at NEMR, Northeast Missouri Rural Telephone Company, is also pictured with her Rotary sponsor, Debi Boughton. Welcome, Jennifer! |
Backpacks for FosterAdopt ConnectThe Rotary Club of Kirksville received a matching grant from District 6040 ($5,000 in total) to purchase supplies to create 110 Emergency Backpacks that FosterAdopt Connect will give to children who are removed from their homes and placed in foster homes. Each backpack contains underwear, socks, a toiletry kit, a fleece blanket, and a Rotary luggage tag. Sadly, children are often removed from their homes with only what they are wearing and what they can quickly put in a plastic bag. These backpacks will provide the children with something that is theirs to keep. The backpacks can be used many times including at school. One of Rotary’s goals is to help children locally and these quality backpacks and the contents will help children in NE Missouri. Rotarians purchased the backpacks and supplies with grant money and assembled them as a Club activity. Pictured from left to right: Angie Sullivan, Rotarian; Tanya Bane, FosterAdopt Connect; Marie Murphree, President, Rotary Club of Kirksville; Randy Smith, Grants Manager, Rotary Club of Kirksville; MaryLue Bell, Prevention Services Manager, FosterAdopt Connect; Dawn McVay, FosterAdopt Connect; and Sophie Nely, FosterAdopt Connect. |
Rotary Literacy ProgramOne of Rotary's seven areas of focus is Basic Education and Literacy. Members of the Rotary Club of Kirksville contribute to the Literacy effort by reading to local school children to instill a love of books and learning. John Dungan (left) and Debi Boughton (center) are pictured reading at Faith Lutheran Church. Kevin Butner (right) read at Mary Immaculate School. |
Announcement - Next Two Meetings @ Ray Klinginsmith AmphitheaterDon't forget - on June 14th we will be hearing from the tourism board to learn more about the Red White & Blue Festival, and on June 21st we will have our Joint Instillation. Both of these events will be at the Ray Klinginsmith Amphitheater!
New Member Welcome - Stephanie MillsStephanie Mills, manager of communications at Tri-County Electric, was inducted today by Ralph Cupelli (right), who was filling in for President Marie. Stephanie is also pictured with her Rotary sponsor, Danny Pagliai. She plans to attend one meeting each month at Schuyler County and Scotland County clubs, as well as two meetings with our club. Be sure to give Stephanie a warm welcome next time you see her.
New Member Welcome - Ansh AtriwalClub President Marie Murphree inducted new member Ansh Atriwal. Ansh is new to town, coming all the way from California! He is the new Hospitality manager of La Plata's Depot Inn. We are so excited to have him in our club. Even better - he was inducted on his 26th birthday. Be sure to give Ansh a warm welcome and stop by the Depot Inn if you're in La Plata to say hello and check out his work! |
Ray Klinginsmith Graduating High School Student Scholarship2023 RAY KLINGINSMITH ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP The Ray Klinginsmith Graduating High School Student Scholarship will be awarded to two seniors in Adair County who have participated in leadership and service activities in their school and community, and who embody the Rotary motto "Service Above Self." The scholarship is named in honor of Kirksville Rotarian Ray Klinginsmith, who served as the President of Rotary International in 2010-2011. Applications for the $750 scholarship are due April 10, 2023.
Literacy Committee Update3rd Quarter - Update on Kirksville Rotary Literacy Projects
Rotary Little Free LibraryRotary Little Free Library